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Children the Victim of War

As part of a project, I was giving painting lessons to refugee children. They were getting psychological help through the pictures. One of the children was constantly drawing graves. He never explained the reason to the doctors. Except for severe depression, nothing else came out of his paintings, but we always sought the absolute reason for his treatment. One day the boy started to cry while he was drawing. Even though we didn't know the subject, we all felt it. we cried with him for a while. On the other hand, he did not stop drawing. We didn't want to interfere, but it was a very devastating event. Sobbing, he said in a low voice, "My father has no grave. We had to leave him alone." These words weighed heavily on us. because we learned that everything happened before his eyes. Children, who are the biggest victims of wars, are in a very difficult situation wherever they are in the world.

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