Carpetdiem is a generative interpretation of middle eastern carpet designs. The traditional carpets are woven meticulously by artisans and the underlying code tries to emulate these intricacies through simple yet sophisticated algorithms. At its core, the code uses fractals and recursion to generate unique designs on each execution of the code.
Carpetdiem is a generative interpretation of middle eastern carpet designs. The traditional carpets are woven meticulously by artisans and the underlying code tries to emulate these intricacies through simple yet sophisticated algorithms. At its core, the code uses fractals and recursion to generate unique designs on each execution of the code.
Carpetdiem is a generative interpretation of middle eastern carpet designs. The traditional carpets are woven meticulously by artisans and the underlying code tries to emulate these intricacies through simple yet sophisticated algorithms. At its core, the code uses fractals and recursion to generate unique designs on each execution of the code.
· 555
· Mar 2023
Creator earnings
· 10%