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Self-taught, Rodrigo Miranda started drawing from an early age. Surrounded by the city's graffitis, it didn't take long for him to spread his tags and bombs across the neighbourhood, while his technique evolved into complex wildstyle letters and murals.

Rodrigo sees art as a tool for transforming the environment he lives in. So in a country where 93% of the population has never been to an exhibition, he prefers to see his work on the streets rather than in galleries.

Nowadays his techniques range from spray, stencil, brush and roller to latex, pencil and wood cuts. When he is not expressing himself on the city walls, he is working with different styles of art and digital drawings.

In addition to panels, he also paints canvas, designs iconic stages for psychedelic trance festivals and works with scenography. He also collaborates with a skate brand for developing his own clothing collection and is involved in multiple multimedia projects.

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Aug 2021
Creator earnings
  • Style: Visionary art