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Bored Ape in the SKY (BASKY) is a collection of derivatives of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC). Each BAYC ape has decided to take a tour of the universe. Wonderful star fields, star clusters and nebulae are now part of the background of your beloved ape.

BASKY apes have been minted and donated to the owners of the corresponding BAYC apes based on a snapshot of BAYC NFT ownership taken on 31-dec-2021. These "original" owners also own the BAYC commercial license on derivatives of their ape (which BASKY apes are) so they may decide to keep their wonderful new BASKY ape or sell/transfer it to someone else. If the "original" owner decides to sell or transfer its BASKY ape, he/she implicitly agree that the creator of the BASKY apes in entitled to a royalty on all the trades involving that particular NFT as a compensation for the effort he put into the creation of this collection.

Bored Ape in the Sky is not affiliated to Bored Ape Yacht Club

Jan 2022
Creator earnings
  • Clothes: Bone tee