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BLANKS - A Planks Derivative/Expansion

What are Blanks?

They’re your next new PFP (for a minute at least). They’re the imaginary wooden friend you never knew you needed and can’t see any way (much like a “real” imaginary friend).

They have all those traits you grew to love in your solid wood friends, Planks, but they are so much more. They’re Jack-o-Lanterns, Victims or Heinous Acts, Spirits, Soldiers for the CFM, Music Afficianados, etc., etc..

They’re what you make of them (after what we have made of them of course), a story of your own devising. Web3 is interactive, it’s community; Matty didn’t want to create a narrative, so I decided that this would be the first Plank derivative story I would tell. Yeah, I said first, there’s more to come.

Where are they going?

You’re wallet and maybe your Ledger? Maybe these end up in 3D, but having floating traits walking around the metaverse might not be conducive to socializing.

No message, just a derivative, one of many.

Oct 2022
Creator earnings
  • Species: Rosewood