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Black Beard Crew

About this collection

ERC 721

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Introducing the Black Beard Crew, a captivating and immersive collection of pirate-themed non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that brings the legendary world of pirates to life. Each NFT in the Black Beard Crew collection represents a unique and meticulously crafted pirate character, combining exquisite artwork with captivating storytelling.

Each NFT in our collection represents a unique pirate character, touched by the curse of Blackbeard's treasure. Witness their mesmerizing transformation under the moonlight and during eclipses, as they reveal their skeletal or demonic forms.

Step into the world of adventure, treasure hunts, and daring escapades as you become the proud owner of these one-of-a-kind characters. Embodying the essence of Black beard legacy, these NFTs transport you to the golden age of piracy, where legends were born and fortunes were sought.

From their striking appearance to their intricate features, these characters capture the imagination and bring the spirit of the high seas to life. Immerse yourself in the rich lore and captivating history of pirates as you embark on thrilling virtual journeys with these unique digital treasures.

With painstaking attention to detail, the Black Beard Crew NFTs showcase the artistic brilliance and creativity of our talented team. Every aspect, from the intricate costumes and accessories to the finely crafted backgrounds, has been thoughtfully designed to transport collectors into a world of high-seas exploits and hidden treasures.

As a proud owner of these exclusive NFTs, you join an elite group of collectors who appreciate the artistry, rarity, and individuality of each character in the Black Beard Crew collection. No two characters are alike, ensuring that your ownership is truly special and unparalleled.

Experience the thrill of the open seas, the adrenaline of epic battles, and the allure of hidden treasures as you proudly showcase these remarkable characters in your digital collection. Discover the magic that lies within the world of Black Beard Crew and sail alongside the most legendary pirates of all time.

Claim your place in pirate history and let the captivating story of Blackbeard come alive through these extraordinary NFTs. Are you ready to embrace the spirit of adventure and unlock the mysteries that await? Set sail with the Black Beard Crew and embark on an unforgettable journey into the heart of piracy.

5.8% minted579 / 10,000
Project Overview

The Black Beard project is an innovative project that brings the world of pirates to the realm of digital collectibles. Our project consists of five distinct collections, each centered around a different theme related to the legendary pirate Blackbeard. Through captivating artwork and intricate details, we aim to transport collectors into a world of adventure, mystery, and treasure.

Each collection within the Black Beard project will feature 10,000 unique NFTs, showcasing a diverse range of pirate characters, and iconic scenes. Our talented team of artists and designers have meticulously crafted each NFT to ensure its uniqueness and aesthetic appeal.

We believe in the power of blockchain technology to revolutionize the art world and provide new opportunities for creators and collectors. Therefore, for our initial NFT collection, we have chosen the Polygon blockchain as the platform for minting and storing our first NFT collection. Polygon offers fast and cost-effective transactions, ensuring a seamless experience for collectors.

Moving forward, we value community input and engagement. As such, we will involve our community in deciding the blockchain platform for future collections. We believe in the importance of decentralization and giving our community a voice in shaping the direction of the project. Together, we will explore various blockchain options and make informed decisions that align with our community's needs and preferences.

By leveraging the blockchain technology of Polygon and embracing community involvement in blockchain selection, we ensure transparency, security, and immutability for our NFTs. Collectors will have complete ownership and control over their NFTs, enabling them to engage in seamless trading and interactions within the broader NFT ecosystem. We are committed to creating an inclusive and participatory environment that empowers both creators and collectors in the Black Beard project.

As part of our commitment to building a thriving community, we value the continued support of our collectors. To ensure a fair and inclusive process for each collection, we will conduct a snapshot of the first collection's NFT holders. The addresses of these initial collectors will be eligible for whitelist status in the subsequent collection.

By taking a snapshot of the first collection, we aim to recognize and reward early supporters of the Black Beard project. Being part of the whitelist will provide these collectors with exclusive access and privileges, enabling them to secure their desired NFTs before the general public. This approach not only acknowledges the loyalty of our community but also encourages continued engagement and participation throughout our NFT releases.

We believe that this whitelist system creates a sense of value and exclusivity within the Black Beard project community, fostering a dynamic environment where dedicated collectors can enjoy unique benefits and opportunities as we launch new collections.

Join us on this thrilling journey as we dive into the world of pirates, uncover hidden treasures, and forge lasting connections within our vibrant community. The Black Beard project invites you to set sail on an adventure that blends art, technology, and the spirit of the high seas.

Ranking NFTs (The ranked NFTs will be revealed after the collection is fully minted.)

Here's a small description of how the rarity score is calculated and how the NFTs are ranked in our provided script:

  1. Rarity Score Calculation:
  • The script assigns a rarity score to each trait based on its rarity. The rarer the trait, the higher the rarity score.
  • The rarity score for each trait is calculated by taking the inverse of the occurrence count.
  • For example, if a trait has an occurrence count of 10, its rarity score will be (1/10)*10000 = 1000. If a trait has an occurrence count of 100, its rarity score will be (1/100)*10000 = 100.
  • This calculation ensures that rarer traits have higher rarity scores.
  1. Ranking NFTs:
  • The script iterates over each NFT and calculates its rarity score based on the traits it possesses.
  • The rarity score for an NFT is determined by summing up the rarity scores of all the traits present in that NFT.
  • NFTs with higher rarity scores are considered rarer and are given higher ranks.
  • The NFTs are then sorted in descending order based on their rarity scores, with the highest rarity score obtaining the highest rank.

By calculating the rarity score for each NFT based on the rarity of its traits and sorting them based on their rarity scores, the script ranks the NFTs in descending order of rarity. The highest-ranked NFT will have the rarest combination of traits, while the lower-ranked NFTs will have less rare combinations of traits.

  • Rarity and Exclusivity: Each NFT in the collection is a unique piece of digital artwork, ensuring rarity and exclusivity. You'll be one of the few fortunate owners of these meticulously crafted pirate characters.

  • Value Appreciation: As the Black beard Crew Collection gains popularity and recognition, the value of your NFT may appreciate over time. Collectors and enthusiasts will be eager to add these sought-after treasures to their collections.

  • Access to Exclusive Community Events: As a proud owner of a Black beard Crew NFT, you'll gain access to exclusive community events, treasure hunts, and discussions with fellow collectors and the development team.

  • Future Airdrops and Rewards: We have exciting plans for the future, including airdrops and special rewards for our NFT holders. By joining the Black beard Crew, you'll be eligible to receive additional perks and surprises along the way.

  • Bragging Rights: Show off your unique Blackbeard Crew NFT and let others admire your taste and appreciation for fine digital art. Your NFT will serve as a badge of honor, showcasing your involvement in the world of NFTs and pirate history.