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The BASIN PROTOCOL protects, restores and stewards nature and ecosystems in perpetuity.

.basin's are perpetual trusts that ENSURE the stewardship of PLACE, on PURPOSE, by PEOPLE. As an ERC-721, the .basin contract is ERC-6551 (Token Bound Account (TBA)) enabled. As TBA’s, every .basin can hold and manage an infinite combination of ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 tokens to steward nature.

.basin’s represent the stocks of PLACE, PURPOSE, and PEOPLE and work in conjunction with our ERC-1155 contracts, aka STREAMS, which represent the flows of PLACE, PURPOSE, and PEOPLE.

As a platform cooperative, .basin's are 1:1 membership of the protocol, while STREAMS function as patronage certificates, reflecting the collaborative and dynamic nature of how BASIN STREAMS work together.

Nov 2022
Creator earnings