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Aliens of Earth - Portraits from Critterverse

'Aliens of Earth' is a mission to create a spark within each and everyone to admire, overcome fears and build respect for our Earthly Aliens aka Critters.

We are moving so fast in our daily lives that we hardly ever notice these critters living alongside us. While we seek alien lifeforms on other planets, sadly we haven’t fully understood other species that help preserve our paradise. Each critter not only plays an important role in ecological balance but has an amazing trait and superpower beyond the imagination of the human mind.

I’m Raj Bharathi, a featured and published naturalist explorer, on a photographic journey to discover these phenomenal beings and to unveil the stories of the Unseen World of Nature.

As a debut collection in the NFT verse, each 1/1 Edition brings out an Alien face that is dear to my heart. Each portrait carries a story of their superpower and as you join me in my journey, you will be fascinated and connect with them in some way, as I did.

Apr 2022
Creator earnings
  • Alien name: Ruthless aerial assassin