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Aimees Visual Arts

Hey Just a Quick Note from Me! I am is a Multidisciplinary, Multi Media Artist.

This means I don’t work in one particular way. A little bit like my ADHD my work is a little manic and beautiful all at the same time.

I now mix together to make my artwork the following:

Hands-on Mediums: Really anything that's sitting around, paint (acrylic, spray, kids or house paint) a Pen, pencils, sharpies, a Pastel and anything else that can make a mark. Hands-on Mediums are then photographed and edited. This is really because I love vibrance!

Digital drawing: When I can’t be bothered with the mess or on the move. There is nothing better than drawing with all the colours of the rainbow and every tool I could think of, without costing the world.

Photography & Stock Images: I do a mix of both. I have had people say I am cheating with the stock images (maybe this is in my head). But I really pull the suckers apart and mix them together. In using stock images I can express my feelings and

Unique items
Total items
Jun 2022
Creator earnings
  • Words: You are beautiful