This collection consists of NFTs of the 16 paintings in Andy Warhol's "Prince Series" (1984), which were based on a photograph of Prince created by Lynn Goldsmith in 1981. The paintings are the subject of copyright litigation currently under review by the United States Supreme Court. As explained in the following essay, I believe that the paintings are not currently protected by copyright and that my use of them is a fair use of Goldsmith's photograph.
This collection consists of NFTs of the 16 paintings in Andy Warhol's "Prince Series" (1984), which were based on a photograph of Prince created by Lynn Goldsmith in 1981. The paintings are the subject of copyright litigation currently under review by the United States Supreme Court. As explained in the following essay, I believe that the paintings are not currently protected by copyright and that my use of them is a fair use of Goldsmith's photograph.
· 16
· Jun 2022
Creator earnings
· 5%