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The Acid Apes Society

Duuude, like, Acid Apes Society is this totally far-out NFT collection with 3,333 of the most mind-blowing apes you've ever seen, man! These groovy creatures are packed with 290 trippy traits that'll send your imagination on a wild ride, all while spreading mischief and mayhem on the Ethereum blockchain! 🚀

So, like, get ready to dive deep into the cosmic jungle, and explore the intricate details of these wacky apes, man. We've got 'em all sorted into five gnarly rarity groups, so you can, like, collect 'em all and vibe with the coolest primates in the multiverse! No emojis are needed, bro, these apes speak for themselves. Get ready to catch a wave on the Acid Apes Society and ride that groovy blockchain, dude! 🌊🏄‍♂️

Nov 2022
Creator earnings
  • Chest cavity: Egg eyes