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The MO Amper NFT Arts

Minted in 3 collectable themes, the art is an animated album cover NFT  with a subtle reference to the bonus perks displayed as "grafitti on the walls" while the symbolic "IRT train" travels on an overhead railway. The scene is a nod to early audio and visual rites of passage in Hip-Hop evolution-The IRT (Watch the Closing Doors) 1983 sound recording and the classic movie Beat Street. The art is a timely global tribute celebrating the over 40 year rise of Hip-Hop culture.

The animated art expression is a portal to an interactive experience of Hip-Hop's 5 elements: Grafitti art, dee-jayin, breakdancing, MCeeing, and Knowledge of self  (that is knowlege, wisdom, understanding in which entrepreneurship or self-determination exists).

A follow up to the art is a single music recording "Hard Headed Streets" from the upcoming Global collaborative album REMIX YOUR BARS volume 2 with original song samples from the SWAG OF SOUL: Lu-Cor Music Collection by creators who worked with Blues legen

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Nov 2021
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