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About this collection

ERC 721

A collection of hand-drawn & frame-by-frame in 1945 classic animation style. Don't forget to bring your mug 🍺

Items minted1,945
1945 Kongz are different!

We're like a family living in a big city. We support each other through thick and thin, whether it's over a cold beer at the bar or in times of need. We may have different backgrounds and beliefs, but we share a love for good beer and good company.

The local bar is our go-to spot to unwind and catch up after a long day. We share stories and jokes, and find comfort in each other's company. But it's not just about the bar and beer. We're united in our goal to make this city a better place for everyone.

At the end of the day, it's the connections we make with each other that matter most. We're proud to call ourselves a family, and we know we'll always have each other's back, whether it's at the bar or beyond.

Art Direction

Our collection of hand-drawn and frame-by-frame animations is a tribute to the timeless art of classic animation from 1945. Using traditional techniques and meticulous attention to detail, our team of talented artists has crafted a collection of animations that capture the essence of a bygone era.

In creating these animations, we focused on every aspect of the art direction, from the character design to the color palette to the background details. Each frame was carefully crafted with precision and care, ensuring that every movement and expression felt true to the style of classic animation.