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1000 paintings project

I’m an alla prima oil painter focused on learning and mastery. My paintings are luminous, abstracted impressions of what I see. I paint for so many reasons, the main one being that it brings me peace. It requires so many of my senses and stimulates parts of my brain that help me quiet the chatter in my mind and be purely in the moment. It’s the perfect blend of challenging, rewarding, and meditative. I felt that painting needed to be a major part of my future, so I started this 1000 paintings project as a way to integrate painting into my daily life, strengthen my skills, and discover my style with the hope of one day becoming a real, “professional” painter. I work out of my home studio in Leander, TX — just northwest of Austin. I spend my free time with my husband, 3 year old daughter, and yellow lab cooking, swimming, doing yoga, and dreaming up new house projects.

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Mar 2022
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