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Crypto Cranes

This collection will be capped at 1000 Crypto Cranes, releasing through a series of subsequent drops.

Across Asian cultures, cranes have been a symbol of life, peace, and longevity. According to Japanese legend, anyone who folds a thousand cranes will be granted a wish by the gods. The fabled bird is believed to live 1000 years — each folded crane representing a year of its life.

Made by a husband-wife duo, the Crypto Cranes are each uniquely hand-folded from clear plastic and photographed under polarized light — revealing their spectacular display of color with very minimal to no post-processing in the final image. To the naked eye, they are completely transparent.

Each digital Crypto Crane is linked its the real-world counterpart that can be claimed; If available, we will ship it FREE OF CHARGE to the CURRENT verified owner of the holding wallet (regardless of being the initial buyer or not).

Visit our website to check on your Crypto Crane’s availability and details on claiming.

Sep 2021
Creator earnings