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Use W-A-S-D keys to control your Alt Man
Arcade NFT - a disruptive 3D art & gaming studio. We produce unique NFTs in collaboration with artists, brands & crypto protocols. For our second drop; we’re releasing playable retro classics; unique arcade game consoles. The collection merges classic games with forward-thinking design, giving the past a second life. Each NFT will provide its’ viewer with the inventive possibility to play the game through the NFT display interface.
Join the Retro gaming NFT revolution -
By combining interactive games with amazing artforms from both new talented artists, renowned creators & famous brands.
We aspire our series of collectables to be fun, unique & addictive to play! Join us on an adventure where we take the classical arcade games into the future of NFTs.
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Token Hunter
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Click on the artwork to start
Use W-A-S-D keys to control your Alt Man
Arcade NFT - a disruptive 3D art & gaming studio. We produce unique NFTs in collaboration with artists, brands & crypto protocols. For our second drop; we’re releasing playable retro classics; unique arcade game consoles. The collection merges classic games with forward-thinking design, giving the past a second life. Each NFT will provide its’ viewer with the inventive possibility to play the game through the NFT display interface.
Join the Retro gaming NFT revolution -
By combining interactive games with amazing artforms from both new talented artists, renowned creators & famous brands.
We aspire our series of collectables to be fun, unique & addictive to play! Join us on an adventure where we take the classical arcade games into the future of NFTs.
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