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Joined December 2022
Joined December 2022

A group of designers, artists, producers, and developers who support UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A group of designers, artists, producers, and developers who support UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A group of designers, artists, producers, and developers who support UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A group of designers, artists, producers, and developers who support UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A group of designers, artists, producers, and developers who support UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A group of designers, artists, producers, and developers who support UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A group of designers, artists, producers, and developers who support UN Sustainable Development Goals.

A group of designers, artists, producers, and developers who support UN Sustainable Development Goals.


The HOLO PUFFER is inspired by the upcycling movement and will be physically manufactured using recycled plastic thread.
The HOLO PUFFER is inspired by the upcycling movement and will be physically manufactured using recycled plastic thread.


SNKEZ are designed to inspire alternative thinking, awareness, and consideration for a conscious shift in creation and consumption mentality. From linear to circular and extractive to regenerative,.
SNKEZ are designed to inspire alternative thinking, awareness, and consideration for a conscious shift in creation and consumption mentality. From linear to circular and extractive to regenerative,.