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Joined August 2021
Joined August 2021

OS need to fix there UI. it is terrible and slower then a snale going backwards. And stop the option of weth bids on eth collections

OS need to fix there UI. it is terrible and slower then a snale going backwards. And stop the option of weth bids on eth collections

OS need to fix there UI. it is terrible and slower then a snale going backwards. And stop the option of weth bids on eth collections

OS need to fix there UI. it is terrible and slower then a snale going backwards. And stop the option of weth bids on eth collections

OS need to fix there UI. it is terrible and slower then a snale going backwards. And stop the option of weth bids on eth collections

OS need to fix there UI. it is terrible and slower then a snale going backwards. And stop the option of weth bids on eth collections

OS need to fix there UI. it is terrible and slower then a snale going backwards. And stop the option of weth bids on eth collections

OS need to fix there UI. it is terrible and slower then a snale going backwards. And stop the option of weth bids on eth collections


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