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Joined December 2022
Joined December 2022

Mutant Cartel

Mutant Cartel

Mutant Cartel

Mutant Cartel

Mutant Cartel

Mutant Cartel

Mutant Cartel

Mutant Cartel

Undead Army Representatives

These are my tributes for the following Undead Army Factions pledged to Lord DarkFang - -Zombie Horde -Skull Legion -Demon Council -Inside Out -Haunted Wood -Ghost Pack
Undead Army Representatives
These are my tributes for the following Undead Army Factions pledged to Lord DarkFang - -Zombie Horde -Skull Legion -Demon Council -Inside Out -Haunted Wood -Ghost Pack

Skull Legion Hounds

The largest and most powerful faction in all the Mutant Hounds collection. My home away from the Horde. My grail skele #1313 CaRRRL's cousin - Charrrrles.
Skull Legion Hounds
The largest and most powerful faction in all the Mutant Hounds collection. My home away from the Horde. My grail skele #1313 CaRRRL's cousin - Charrrrles.