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Cherry Skulls-La Dolce Vita

Ah, the allure of "La Dolce Vita"! Living the sweet life, as the Italians say. But is it truly as it appears? In Gallery Stan's second collaboration with Orangehare, prominent digital artists CCREATT and GBDAY come together to explore life's delicate balancing act.

In this collection of three NFTs, cherries swirl in eternal bliss, ripe with the promise of youthful dreams. Yet behind their rosy-red exterior lies a hidden symbol... did you catch it?

These two icons, representing love, sweetness, romance, as well as death and impermanence, intertwine in a modern interpretation of what ancient Italians called a "Memento Mori," a reminder of mankind’s mortality. While the notion may seem somber, digital artists GBDAY and CCREATT intend it as a positive. Just as youth eventually fades, "La Dolce Vita'' encourages us to embrace life's sweetest pleasures while we can…. until we embark on our next, eternal journey.

Mar 2024
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