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Recode Shanghai @ Semicolon

The exhibition is built based on the term of recode in programming languages, a special process of rewriting existing code and retranscribing known knowledge. The program is transformed into another format after recoding while the compressed senses are diluted by the artist through this process. Coincidentally, Swiss anonymous digital artist X1HRAM’s intention of de-identification in the realm of visible media is in sync with the Shanghai digital art team semicolon C. Hence SS Gallery becomes a virtual chat room for these two anonymous users. The exhibition space unfolds like an architectural canvas, providing the artists who had never met before a room for dialogue and resonance. The work is undoubtedly "digital artificial”. Intertwined black and white are arranged at the bottom of the work, just like 0 and 1, running through the entire exhibition, and infinitely expand to nothingness.

Jan 2022
  • Minted on: Āto