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Fractured Cells

Break out from your cell

Free yourself. Stop staring at the TV. Stop scrolling social media. Read a book. Start that business that you've been thinking about. Pick up the instrument that you gave up on. Learn that new language. Draw something, anything. Delete the food app and cook yourself something new, from scratch. Talk to that old friend. Tell that person that you like them. Stop smoking. Hug your mum. Stop competing with your friends and your neighbours. Stop buying shit that you don't need on credit that you can't really afford. It's a trap.

Stop thinking that good things only happen to 'lucky' people. You make your own luck. Don't sit there waiting for success to fall into your lap. Make it happen. Be the author of your own destiny. Take that course. Send that email. Stop giving up so easily, seriously. You only really fail if you give up. You will be surprised by what you can achieve.

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1500 unique 1/1 cells

Oct 2021
  • Palette: Sherbert