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FamilyDAO V2

Meet FamilyDAO

One Family Noun auctioned everyday!

FamilyDAO is membership organization that offers grants to support women and families in web3 and beyond!

Bid on one or many who remind you of yourself or your family members!

When you buy a Family Noun you become a member of FamilyDAO with the power to submit proposals for how the funds raised are spent and also vote on other proposals.

One Family Noun = One vote!

Examples of types of proposals FamilyDAO will be excited to support:

Family integrations and support at web3 and crypto conferences and events (like nursing rooms and childcare)

An education program to help families seeking fertility support or navigating adoption

Development of parental leave funding mechanisms for gig and creator economy workers

Intimate DAO retreats that include a family focus

Supporting parents, families, and allies in developing a culture of inclusiveness that allows parents and families to thrive in web3

Supporting the development of resources for young humans interested in web3

Whatever else you can dream up!

The mission of FamilyDAO is to fund initiatives that support families. We use the word “family” with the broadest possible interpretation inclusive of all types, shapes, and sizes.

Learn more at our website:

Jan 2023
  • Shirts: Shirt pride