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CONSPIRACY: Believing is Seeing

What we believe is obviously shaped by what we observe, but what we perceive is also shaped by our beliefs. In our age of internet misinformation it is often difficult to know what's true or false, and we create our own narratives in an attempt to bring purpose and meaning to an ever-changing, complex world.

A recent survey revealed that many people believe in conspiracy theories such as the assassination of JFK wasn't done by one person (48%), secrets about aliens are hidden in Area 51 (27%), the Illuminati are covertly ruling the world (21%), the government is using chemtrails to manipulate us (19%), and Earth is flat (3%). And then there are those, like MKUltra, that have been well documented and proven horrifyingly true.

For this project, I sought to explore the reasoning behind these narratives and produce evocative images that capture their emotional essence.

Feb 2023
  • Elites: False