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Behold a creature both uncannily familiar and awe-inspiringly alien: Mary Shelley’s definitive Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus NFT Edition, as brought to you by BookVolts.

This new monster edition has been created to offer readers the chance to read the NFT book and experience bonus content through the BookVolts Reader App so that you can see for yourself the full range of possibilities involved with NFT publishing.

Along with the original 1818 text, owners of the NFT edition will be able to access an introduction to the publishing of Frankenstein by Shelley expert Michael January, the opening audio segment to his book The Secret Memoirs of Mary Shelley: The Frankenstein Diaries, and access links to the original handwritten manuscripts.

For the cover design our co-founder Marius has had a stab at playing Victor Frankenstein and created his own interpretation of the monster based on Shelley’s original description.

“It's the idea of asking your maker what your purpose is. Why are we here, what can we do?” – Patricia MacCormack, academic at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.

Why Frankenstein? As Patricia MacCormack’s quote alludes to, the book is the quintessential meditation on human endeavour and how we can best define our own purposes.

In an area as fast-flowing and experimental as blockchain it does feel like the web has been given a new lease of life, with an opportunity for the publishing industry to redefine its role in relation to authors and readers. It’s a novel that probes at questions of originality and ownership, two crucial examinations for any publishing service that wishes to re-examine the nature of storytelling and the medium through how stories are conveyed. At BookVolts, we couldn’t think of a better starting point to begin our voyage into the unchartered waters of NFT publishing.

Why are we here? Our ultimate vision is to strengthen the bond between authors and readers through blockchain and NFT publishing. As the technology evolves, we wish to create a publishing, selling and reading platform that can operate on a completely decentralised system.

What can we do? BookVolts can offer an alternative to the printing process of hardback/paperback editions by creating a personalised and carefully designed digital NFT book, using images and illustrations from a selection of wonderfully talented artists. We help authors expand into multimedia storytelling, whether it be video, memes, audio snippets, author interviews and insights, maps, family trees, and much more.

We hope you enjoy our work,

James Faktor

Co-Founder at BookVolts

Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus collection image

Discover our world of NFT books at and read the book using our reader app.

“It's the idea of asking your maker what your purpose is. Why are we here, what can we do?” – Patricia MacCormack, academic at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge

Why Frankenstein? As Patricia MacCormack’s quote alludes to, the book is the quintessential meditation on human endeavour and how we can best define our own purposes.

In an area as fast-flowing and experimental as blockchain it does feel like the web has been given a new lease of life, with an opportunity for the publishing industry to redefine its role in relation to authors and readers. It’s a novel that probes at questions of originality and ownership, two crucial examinations for any publishing service that wishes to re-examine the nature of storytelling and the medium through how stories are conveyed. At BookVolts, we couldn’t think of a better starting point to begin our voyage into the unchartered waters of NFT publishing.

代幣 ID320
最近更新時間2 年前

Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus - n°320

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Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus - n°320

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Behold a creature both uncannily familiar and awe-inspiringly alien: Mary Shelley’s definitive Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus NFT Edition, as brought to you by BookVolts.

This new monster edition has been created to offer readers the chance to read the NFT book and experience bonus content through the BookVolts Reader App so that you can see for yourself the full range of possibilities involved with NFT publishing.

Along with the original 1818 text, owners of the NFT edition will be able to access an introduction to the publishing of Frankenstein by Shelley expert Michael January, the opening audio segment to his book The Secret Memoirs of Mary Shelley: The Frankenstein Diaries, and access links to the original handwritten manuscripts.

For the cover design our co-founder Marius has had a stab at playing Victor Frankenstein and created his own interpretation of the monster based on Shelley’s original description.

“It's the idea of asking your maker what your purpose is. Why are we here, what can we do?” – Patricia MacCormack, academic at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.

Why Frankenstein? As Patricia MacCormack’s quote alludes to, the book is the quintessential meditation on human endeavour and how we can best define our own purposes.

In an area as fast-flowing and experimental as blockchain it does feel like the web has been given a new lease of life, with an opportunity for the publishing industry to redefine its role in relation to authors and readers. It’s a novel that probes at questions of originality and ownership, two crucial examinations for any publishing service that wishes to re-examine the nature of storytelling and the medium through how stories are conveyed. At BookVolts, we couldn’t think of a better starting point to begin our voyage into the unchartered waters of NFT publishing.

Why are we here? Our ultimate vision is to strengthen the bond between authors and readers through blockchain and NFT publishing. As the technology evolves, we wish to create a publishing, selling and reading platform that can operate on a completely decentralised system.

What can we do? BookVolts can offer an alternative to the printing process of hardback/paperback editions by creating a personalised and carefully designed digital NFT book, using images and illustrations from a selection of wonderfully talented artists. We help authors expand into multimedia storytelling, whether it be video, memes, audio snippets, author interviews and insights, maps, family trees, and much more.

We hope you enjoy our work,

James Faktor

Co-Founder at BookVolts

Frankenstein, or, The Modern Prometheus collection image

Discover our world of NFT books at and read the book using our reader app.

“It's the idea of asking your maker what your purpose is. Why are we here, what can we do?” – Patricia MacCormack, academic at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge

Why Frankenstein? As Patricia MacCormack’s quote alludes to, the book is the quintessential meditation on human endeavour and how we can best define our own purposes.

In an area as fast-flowing and experimental as blockchain it does feel like the web has been given a new lease of life, with an opportunity for the publishing industry to redefine its role in relation to authors and readers. It’s a novel that probes at questions of originality and ownership, two crucial examinations for any publishing service that wishes to re-examine the nature of storytelling and the medium through how stories are conveyed. At BookVolts, we couldn’t think of a better starting point to begin our voyage into the unchartered waters of NFT publishing.

代幣 ID320
最近更新時間2 年前