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The poster on the wall reads:
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.” -The Lorax

You may laugh but deep down you know the truth: most people in power have stopped caring enough to save our planet.

If the clown heads seem familiar, they are from Beeple’s art on this topic. The real clowns aren’t the eco activists. The real clowns are all of us who don’t see the tragedy coming, and are doing nothing, just pretending everything will be ok.

“On October 14, 2022, two Just Stop Oil protestors prompted headlines around the world when they threw two cans of Heinz tomato soup at van Gogh’s Sunflowers painting at London’s National Gallery. One of the climate activists has now explained why, in a viral video with millions of views on TikTok and Twitter.  “I want to make one thing perfectly clear, we did no damage to the painting whatsoever,” Phoebe Plummer, a climate activist who, along with Anna Holland, threw the soup at the famous painting and then glued their hands to the gallery floor on October 14.  In the video, Plummer tells the camera the protest looks like a “slightly ridiculous action,” as she wears an orange safety vest and stands next to a Heinz soup can.  “We’re not asking the question, should everyone be throwing soup at paintings?” said Plummer. “What we’re doing is getting the conversation going so we can ask the questions that matter.”
The issues that Plummer said she hoped to draw attention include the large number of fossil fuel licenses U.K. Prime Minister Liz Truss has granted, the amount of subsidies that fossil fuels receive compared to renewable energy despite the significantly lower reported cost of offshore wind, and the connection to the current cost of living crisis in the UK with growing concerns about the cost of energy.  “We’re using these actions to get media attention to get people talking about this now and we know civil resistance works, history has shown us this works,” she went on. “I’m standing here as a queer woman and the reason that I’m able to vote, go to university, and hopefully someday marry the person I love is because of people who have taken part in civil resistance before me.”
The videos of Plummer talking about the Just Stop Oil protest action have been viewed on TikTok 1.7 million times and on Twitter 7.1 million times since they were posted on Monday.” -

Stellabelle collection image

Stellabelle is an artist, writer, metaverse architect and founder of Slothicorn, one of the first creative commons cryptoartist collectives in 2017. Current project: CryptoStellas The lethal combination of greed and mediocrity in the NFT world has given birth to CryptoStellas, the alpha PFP project of 2021 by brilliant OG cryptoartist Stellabelle. Each CryptoStella is hand-painted and there will only ever be 777 of them. Ownership of a CryptoStella instantly grants you access to an exclusive club of sublime souls. All art is backed up on Arweave, the permanent web. CryptoStellas is a CC0 public domain NFT project. “You deserve the best PFP, the very best PFP, because you are one of the few people in this lousy world who are honest to themselves, and that is the only thing that really counts in the world of PFPs.” CryptoStella

代幣 ID68
最近更新時間2 年前

CryptoStella #173: Just Stop Oil

39 檢視次數
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CryptoStella #173: Just Stop Oil

39 檢視次數
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The poster on the wall reads:
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.” -The Lorax

You may laugh but deep down you know the truth: most people in power have stopped caring enough to save our planet.

If the clown heads seem familiar, they are from Beeple’s art on this topic. The real clowns aren’t the eco activists. The real clowns are all of us who don’t see the tragedy coming, and are doing nothing, just pretending everything will be ok.

“On October 14, 2022, two Just Stop Oil protestors prompted headlines around the world when they threw two cans of Heinz tomato soup at van Gogh’s Sunflowers painting at London’s National Gallery. One of the climate activists has now explained why, in a viral video with millions of views on TikTok and Twitter.  “I want to make one thing perfectly clear, we did no damage to the painting whatsoever,” Phoebe Plummer, a climate activist who, along with Anna Holland, threw the soup at the famous painting and then glued their hands to the gallery floor on October 14.  In the video, Plummer tells the camera the protest looks like a “slightly ridiculous action,” as she wears an orange safety vest and stands next to a Heinz soup can.  “We’re not asking the question, should everyone be throwing soup at paintings?” said Plummer. “What we’re doing is getting the conversation going so we can ask the questions that matter.”
The issues that Plummer said she hoped to draw attention include the large number of fossil fuel licenses U.K. Prime Minister Liz Truss has granted, the amount of subsidies that fossil fuels receive compared to renewable energy despite the significantly lower reported cost of offshore wind, and the connection to the current cost of living crisis in the UK with growing concerns about the cost of energy.  “We’re using these actions to get media attention to get people talking about this now and we know civil resistance works, history has shown us this works,” she went on. “I’m standing here as a queer woman and the reason that I’m able to vote, go to university, and hopefully someday marry the person I love is because of people who have taken part in civil resistance before me.”
The videos of Plummer talking about the Just Stop Oil protest action have been viewed on TikTok 1.7 million times and on Twitter 7.1 million times since they were posted on Monday.” -

Stellabelle collection image

Stellabelle is an artist, writer, metaverse architect and founder of Slothicorn, one of the first creative commons cryptoartist collectives in 2017. Current project: CryptoStellas The lethal combination of greed and mediocrity in the NFT world has given birth to CryptoStellas, the alpha PFP project of 2021 by brilliant OG cryptoartist Stellabelle. Each CryptoStella is hand-painted and there will only ever be 777 of them. Ownership of a CryptoStella instantly grants you access to an exclusive club of sublime souls. All art is backed up on Arweave, the permanent web. CryptoStellas is a CC0 public domain NFT project. “You deserve the best PFP, the very best PFP, because you are one of the few people in this lousy world who are honest to themselves, and that is the only thing that really counts in the world of PFPs.” CryptoStella

代幣 ID68
最近更新時間2 年前