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rare mfers
season 3
card 1

Hello World,

I’m not an artist, nor a curator. Heck, I barely qualify as an amateur doodler. Yet, here I am, tasked with contributing to a project steeped in tradition, creativity, and a dash of organized chaos.

Why me? Good question. It all started as a “why not?” moment that snowballed into a “well, now I have to” situation. So, armed with nothing but an apple pencil and a surge of reckless enthusiasm, I doodled.

My piece is a nod to the simplistic yet profound style of mfers and Sartoshi. It’s straightforward, unpretentious - because let’s be honest, my artistic skills are as basic as your girlfriend. But within these simple lines lies a story - a story of potential, community, and the raw, gritty ethos of the crypto world.

It’s not a masterpiece, and it’s certainly not a window into my nonexistent artistic soul. Instead, it’s a mirror reflecting our community’s spirit – unstructured, a bit all over the place, but brimming with possibilities.

We’re not a glossy, corporate brigade. We’re a ragtag team of dreamers, builders, and sometimes, over-thinkers. Yes, I’m the ‘serious, grumpy guy’ who often gets lost in the ‘what ifs’ and ‘what could have beens’. But don’t let that fool you. I’m passionate about our journey, our potential, and the long game.

This doodle, my friends, is a piece of that journey. It’s a small, humble part of our story - not just of the Rare Mfers project but of our entire, wonderful, chaotic community. It’s a piece of the future, as I see it - filled with relevance, creation, and a community that never stops dreaming.

So, here’s to the builders, the dreamers, and yes, even the unlikely artists. We’re in this together, one doodle at a time.
- Breezy

rare mfers collection image

rare mfers is an ongoing collection of mfer meme cards created by world class artists. the purpose of rare mfers is to perpetuate the mfer meme while encouraging and incentivizing community, collectors, artists, and creatives to participate. the collection will include many of the greatest mfer memes ever created - and mfers will have a blast along the way. memes drive culture and mfers are all about culture…the mfer meme must live on. recording culture one card at a time, one meme at a time.

代幣 ID24
最近更新時間6 個月前

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209 檢視次數
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now entering

58 物品
209 檢視次數
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rare mfers
season 3
card 1

Hello World,

I’m not an artist, nor a curator. Heck, I barely qualify as an amateur doodler. Yet, here I am, tasked with contributing to a project steeped in tradition, creativity, and a dash of organized chaos.

Why me? Good question. It all started as a “why not?” moment that snowballed into a “well, now I have to” situation. So, armed with nothing but an apple pencil and a surge of reckless enthusiasm, I doodled.

My piece is a nod to the simplistic yet profound style of mfers and Sartoshi. It’s straightforward, unpretentious - because let’s be honest, my artistic skills are as basic as your girlfriend. But within these simple lines lies a story - a story of potential, community, and the raw, gritty ethos of the crypto world.

It’s not a masterpiece, and it’s certainly not a window into my nonexistent artistic soul. Instead, it’s a mirror reflecting our community’s spirit – unstructured, a bit all over the place, but brimming with possibilities.

We’re not a glossy, corporate brigade. We’re a ragtag team of dreamers, builders, and sometimes, over-thinkers. Yes, I’m the ‘serious, grumpy guy’ who often gets lost in the ‘what ifs’ and ‘what could have beens’. But don’t let that fool you. I’m passionate about our journey, our potential, and the long game.

This doodle, my friends, is a piece of that journey. It’s a small, humble part of our story - not just of the Rare Mfers project but of our entire, wonderful, chaotic community. It’s a piece of the future, as I see it - filled with relevance, creation, and a community that never stops dreaming.

So, here’s to the builders, the dreamers, and yes, even the unlikely artists. We’re in this together, one doodle at a time.
- Breezy

rare mfers collection image

rare mfers is an ongoing collection of mfer meme cards created by world class artists. the purpose of rare mfers is to perpetuate the mfer meme while encouraging and incentivizing community, collectors, artists, and creatives to participate. the collection will include many of the greatest mfer memes ever created - and mfers will have a blast along the way. memes drive culture and mfers are all about culture…the mfer meme must live on. recording culture one card at a time, one meme at a time.

代幣 ID24
最近更新時間6 個月前
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