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The D U A T has long been corrupted. Osiris and his kin have withered and rotted away. Even Set has left the land in search for another.

A barren land left to barren men. Without guidance all that is nurtured is anger and the spirit of vengeance.

Somewhere within the D U A T a tomb has been built. It is weak in belief, yet strong in structure. With a single purpose. To contain the soul of the Golden One. and that it did.

The Golden One's soul has been snuffed out for centuries. Neglected to wither and suffocate. Locked within a limestone tomb of tombs. One worthy of honor, and of shame. A seal of vengeance against godly abandonment. She too had to be forgotten. After all, what is divine vengeance if it is not directed towards a god?

As her enemies celebrated her solitude. As her enemies hunted down the remaining pantheon. As her enemies died, and so did their kin. She remained.

Over time the dunes ascended in their pilgrimage, and so did the Golden One in desolation. All that remained was a suffocated soul no longer bound by flesh or blood. No longer bound by matter, no longer bound by time. A suffocated soul it may have been, but not a destroyed one. For her jailers had forgotten her soul is that of the Golden One. No desire for flesh, and no desire for blood. Only for thought. For thoughts are as strong as actions. After all, it was a thought that had put her in this desolate tomb. As the Golden One lay there, her thoughts calling out to the dunes. They listened. Slowly diverting from their pilgrimage to lay bare the tomb's gates. Her jailers had forgotten this too. The dunes are sympathetic in spirit.

All the golden one has to now is wait.


Soon life will come to this barren land.

Here lies the rebirth of the D U A T.

Forgotten, withered, and rotten.


No more.

The eyes of the D U A T have opened once more.

// This is the second work in a series of works. It can be considered a collection of my own created Egyptian mythology and identity. It's placed within the ancient Egyptian underworld. The Duat. It incorporates symbolism, narratives, world building, and historical events. From the past, present, and future. If you are curious about my direct inspiration, please look at the work of Yinka Shonibare, William Blake, Gustave Dore 's works. As well video games and their inspirations including Uncharted, Darksouls, and Bloodborne. I have many other inspirations spanning all mediums, these are just the ones that come to mind. These mediums have dealt with the issues of being, identity, and its relationship to ones country and nationality.

As an Egyptian, I (and many others) am not taught a lot about Ancient Egypt, it's history or it's mythology. Growing older, I have found myself clinging to it as part of my identity more than anything. However, due to the state of country. I have to go about it alone. These works explore directly explore that process.

Every work within this series will only have 6 copies. - Anubis 3100

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代幣 ID51104

The Golden One's Soul has been Rekindled (Rebirth of the D U A T #2)

6 物品
8 檢視次數
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The Golden One's Soul has been Rekindled (Rebirth of the D U A T #2)

6 物品
8 檢視次數
  • 單價
  • 單價

The D U A T has long been corrupted. Osiris and his kin have withered and rotted away. Even Set has left the land in search for another.

A barren land left to barren men. Without guidance all that is nurtured is anger and the spirit of vengeance.

Somewhere within the D U A T a tomb has been built. It is weak in belief, yet strong in structure. With a single purpose. To contain the soul of the Golden One. and that it did.

The Golden One's soul has been snuffed out for centuries. Neglected to wither and suffocate. Locked within a limestone tomb of tombs. One worthy of honor, and of shame. A seal of vengeance against godly abandonment. She too had to be forgotten. After all, what is divine vengeance if it is not directed towards a god?

As her enemies celebrated her solitude. As her enemies hunted down the remaining pantheon. As her enemies died, and so did their kin. She remained.

Over time the dunes ascended in their pilgrimage, and so did the Golden One in desolation. All that remained was a suffocated soul no longer bound by flesh or blood. No longer bound by matter, no longer bound by time. A suffocated soul it may have been, but not a destroyed one. For her jailers had forgotten her soul is that of the Golden One. No desire for flesh, and no desire for blood. Only for thought. For thoughts are as strong as actions. After all, it was a thought that had put her in this desolate tomb. As the Golden One lay there, her thoughts calling out to the dunes. They listened. Slowly diverting from their pilgrimage to lay bare the tomb's gates. Her jailers had forgotten this too. The dunes are sympathetic in spirit.

All the golden one has to now is wait.


Soon life will come to this barren land.

Here lies the rebirth of the D U A T.

Forgotten, withered, and rotten.


No more.

The eyes of the D U A T have opened once more.

// This is the second work in a series of works. It can be considered a collection of my own created Egyptian mythology and identity. It's placed within the ancient Egyptian underworld. The Duat. It incorporates symbolism, narratives, world building, and historical events. From the past, present, and future. If you are curious about my direct inspiration, please look at the work of Yinka Shonibare, William Blake, Gustave Dore 's works. As well video games and their inspirations including Uncharted, Darksouls, and Bloodborne. I have many other inspirations spanning all mediums, these are just the ones that come to mind. These mediums have dealt with the issues of being, identity, and its relationship to ones country and nationality.

As an Egyptian, I (and many others) am not taught a lot about Ancient Egypt, it's history or it's mythology. Growing older, I have found myself clinging to it as part of my identity more than anything. However, due to the state of country. I have to go about it alone. These works explore directly explore that process.

Every work within this series will only have 6 copies. - Anubis 3100

With this work, you get access to a hi-rez version of the gif! \

Rarible collection image

Create and sell digital collectibles secured with blockchain technology. Rarible is home to thousands of artists and collectors, creating and exchanging immutable art without using code. Trade with RARI token on OpenSea.

代幣 ID51104