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Yawning is as contagious to lions as it is to humans and elephants and research suggests that these yawns may be subtly communicating some important social cues. In lions, contagious yawning might be important for maintaining social cohesion. Yawns that help lions harmonize their group movements could help get the pride all on the same page, crucial behavior for an animal that hunts and rears offspring cooperatively.

Into the Wild V3 collection image

Maasai Mara - A trip that was a dream for years that finally came true. Not sure if I have the right words to explain how precious the visit was. Photography aside, visiting Masai Mara is one of the most humbling travel experiences I’ve had, and the journey was a homecoming in more ways than one.

Mornings of Mara are blissful, serene, and insanely spiritual. We used to start our day at 5:30am – like, a few minutes drive, and we were surrounded by beautiful wilderness and growls of lions mixed with occasional grumbles of aged land cruisers and of course the gorgeous noise of our camera shutters.

It's a story of my 7-day escape to Masai Mara, known as a quintessential paradise for the world’s finest wildlife that took me to another level of consciousness while keeping me away from the urban tech world and its crowd. It felt like life gave me a small pause to experience and realize how beautiful mother nature is which can’t be compared or explained in words.

This collection consists of 15 1/1 handpicked wildlife images captured from their natural habitat and created with my own vision while keeping it away from usual all-time sighted colors and I called it “Into the Wild”.

Collector Perks:

Each collector of an image priced at .5 eth will receive a 1/1 exclusive image as a giveaway which is minted along with the same smart contract.

2 random collectors of images priced at .3 eth will receive a 1/1 exclusive image as a giveaway which is minted along with the smart contract.

Note: images reserved for the giveaway are listed at the end of the collection.

代幣 ID20

Yawn – A unique way of communication

2 檢視次數
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Yawn – A unique way of communication

2 檢視次數
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Yawning is as contagious to lions as it is to humans and elephants and research suggests that these yawns may be subtly communicating some important social cues. In lions, contagious yawning might be important for maintaining social cohesion. Yawns that help lions harmonize their group movements could help get the pride all on the same page, crucial behavior for an animal that hunts and rears offspring cooperatively.

Into the Wild V3 collection image

Maasai Mara - A trip that was a dream for years that finally came true. Not sure if I have the right words to explain how precious the visit was. Photography aside, visiting Masai Mara is one of the most humbling travel experiences I’ve had, and the journey was a homecoming in more ways than one.

Mornings of Mara are blissful, serene, and insanely spiritual. We used to start our day at 5:30am – like, a few minutes drive, and we were surrounded by beautiful wilderness and growls of lions mixed with occasional grumbles of aged land cruisers and of course the gorgeous noise of our camera shutters.

It's a story of my 7-day escape to Masai Mara, known as a quintessential paradise for the world’s finest wildlife that took me to another level of consciousness while keeping me away from the urban tech world and its crowd. It felt like life gave me a small pause to experience and realize how beautiful mother nature is which can’t be compared or explained in words.

This collection consists of 15 1/1 handpicked wildlife images captured from their natural habitat and created with my own vision while keeping it away from usual all-time sighted colors and I called it “Into the Wild”.

Collector Perks:

Each collector of an image priced at .5 eth will receive a 1/1 exclusive image as a giveaway which is minted along with the same smart contract.

2 random collectors of images priced at .3 eth will receive a 1/1 exclusive image as a giveaway which is minted along with the smart contract.

Note: images reserved for the giveaway are listed at the end of the collection.

代幣 ID20