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This is Sunny Crittenden's 68th archived webcam photo, created October 26th, 2001 and instantly uploaded to StileProjectDotCom's Portal 9 webcam portal, arguably the first of its kind. Portal 9 became CamwhoresDotCom, a members only webcam portal, in 2002. This photo was gifted to Sunny, along with the rest of her cam photo archive, by Kevin Day, the webmaster of Camwhores, on March 18th, 2015 when the site officially closed.

This is the final photo in a series of 14, entitled "Militiagan Halloween Party". For the accompanying essay to this series, please click here. While Sunny was updating her webcam on October 26th, 2001, on the other side of the Canada-US border, her soon-to-be boyfriend and would-be husband Blake, was at a Halloween party thrown by his friend, Rob. People at the party were standing around a computer, watching Sunny's webcam, while she chatted with Blake on ICQ* the whole time. None of Blake's Militiagan friends had met her yet, so, she put on a show.

This was the last photo Sunny uploaded the night of the Militiagan Halloween Party and the caption reads, "Who's Blake? My soon-to-be fucktoy, :o)" The characters following the text represent a sideways face with a nose, called an emoticon, in the days before emojis. Sunny had been ignoring the Portal 9/Camwhores tagboard and just addressing Blake and his friends in her webcam captions, so by the time Sunny was ready to go to bed, half the camgirl loving internet was wondering who the hell Blake was. Sunny was clearly defining her intentions toward Blake, for him, for his friends, and for the internet, that her body was his for the playing the next time they met in person.

In the photo, Sunny is topless but her breasts aren't visible, and she is smiling slyly at the screen. Sunny and Blake began being an official couple a few days later and they most certainly fucked like bunnies after the Scratching Post show following this weekend.

(*Sunny's ICQ is #37471540, and if you download the app, you can still see her profile to this day.)

This photo is a nostalgic piece of internet history for fans of camgirls, the E/N scene, and the early 2000s internet in general, just as this NFT itself will be of the early 2020s Web.30. It is a 320x240px, 96 dpi jpeg taken with a Logitech webcam instantly and uploaded instantly to a public audience of thousands, much like a Polaroid, only digital and one step further due to its wider reach.

With this in mind, it is not necessarily unreasonable that a comparison could be made between Sunny's early experiments in instant digital photography and Robert Mapplethorpe's early Polaroids, as a lot of both artists' subject matter revolved around sex, sexuality, exhibitionism, naturism, and simply beauty itself. At the same time, both artists' early instant photography work appears amateurish and lowbrow/low tech by today's standards in their industries, which is part of their charm and appeal, and why they trigger nostalgia in certain people of those times.

Mapplethorpe's Polaroids were packaged and sold by galleries for a tidy sum of money to collectors when he was alive and they have appreciated in value as objects of art ever since. He ultimately enjoyed a very lavish lifestyle, if the historians are to be believed, and left behind a lot of money when he died.

Despite being physically small, due to the nature of Mapplethorpe's Polaroids' being film photographs, high resolution scans were taken and the collection was compiled into a really great book called "Polaroids" with only Mapplethorpe credited on the cover, despite the essay inside, written by someone else, being part of what makes it so great. His art was able to live on and reach a wider audience - the common person - that way. Higher resolutions of Sunny's instant digital webcam photos aren't possible due to the limitations of the technology at the time they were created, so they are best viewed on screens and handheld devices, as they were originally intended, making NFTs perfect for their preservation and continued provenance.

For more information on Sunny, please visit her website.

Camwhore collection image

Hi, I'm Sunny! I became a camgirl on StileProjectDotCom's Portal 9, arguably the internet's 1st public webcam portal, 3 days after 9/11. Stile, webmaster of the site, king of the E/N scene & final word on who got to be on his portal, thought that since the world was so angry & sad at that moment & his forums were going crazy, that a new forum moderator & camgirl from Canada might cheer folks up. When I started, there was no audio or video, we uploaded pics instantly taken by our webcams every 30 seconds to the internet for large audiences to see. We communicated by the captions on our photos or by chatting on one community "tagboard" embedded on the site. The site eventually became & I cammed there until it closed in 2015. We had a huge supportive community of naked clowns & pervs & these are my cam pics from that time. There are ~18,000 pics in the archive total that could be made into NFTs, making the supply scarce & finite. Plz read the descriptions! Thanks! <3

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Militiagan Halloween Party #14 (Cam Pic #68 - October 26th, 2001)

32 檢視次數
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Militiagan Halloween Party #14 (Cam Pic #68 - October 26th, 2001)

32 檢視次數
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This is Sunny Crittenden's 68th archived webcam photo, created October 26th, 2001 and instantly uploaded to StileProjectDotCom's Portal 9 webcam portal, arguably the first of its kind. Portal 9 became CamwhoresDotCom, a members only webcam portal, in 2002. This photo was gifted to Sunny, along with the rest of her cam photo archive, by Kevin Day, the webmaster of Camwhores, on March 18th, 2015 when the site officially closed.

This is the final photo in a series of 14, entitled "Militiagan Halloween Party". For the accompanying essay to this series, please click here. While Sunny was updating her webcam on October 26th, 2001, on the other side of the Canada-US border, her soon-to-be boyfriend and would-be husband Blake, was at a Halloween party thrown by his friend, Rob. People at the party were standing around a computer, watching Sunny's webcam, while she chatted with Blake on ICQ* the whole time. None of Blake's Militiagan friends had met her yet, so, she put on a show.

This was the last photo Sunny uploaded the night of the Militiagan Halloween Party and the caption reads, "Who's Blake? My soon-to-be fucktoy, :o)" The characters following the text represent a sideways face with a nose, called an emoticon, in the days before emojis. Sunny had been ignoring the Portal 9/Camwhores tagboard and just addressing Blake and his friends in her webcam captions, so by the time Sunny was ready to go to bed, half the camgirl loving internet was wondering who the hell Blake was. Sunny was clearly defining her intentions toward Blake, for him, for his friends, and for the internet, that her body was his for the playing the next time they met in person.

In the photo, Sunny is topless but her breasts aren't visible, and she is smiling slyly at the screen. Sunny and Blake began being an official couple a few days later and they most certainly fucked like bunnies after the Scratching Post show following this weekend.

(*Sunny's ICQ is #37471540, and if you download the app, you can still see her profile to this day.)

This photo is a nostalgic piece of internet history for fans of camgirls, the E/N scene, and the early 2000s internet in general, just as this NFT itself will be of the early 2020s Web.30. It is a 320x240px, 96 dpi jpeg taken with a Logitech webcam instantly and uploaded instantly to a public audience of thousands, much like a Polaroid, only digital and one step further due to its wider reach.

With this in mind, it is not necessarily unreasonable that a comparison could be made between Sunny's early experiments in instant digital photography and Robert Mapplethorpe's early Polaroids, as a lot of both artists' subject matter revolved around sex, sexuality, exhibitionism, naturism, and simply beauty itself. At the same time, both artists' early instant photography work appears amateurish and lowbrow/low tech by today's standards in their industries, which is part of their charm and appeal, and why they trigger nostalgia in certain people of those times.

Mapplethorpe's Polaroids were packaged and sold by galleries for a tidy sum of money to collectors when he was alive and they have appreciated in value as objects of art ever since. He ultimately enjoyed a very lavish lifestyle, if the historians are to be believed, and left behind a lot of money when he died.

Despite being physically small, due to the nature of Mapplethorpe's Polaroids' being film photographs, high resolution scans were taken and the collection was compiled into a really great book called "Polaroids" with only Mapplethorpe credited on the cover, despite the essay inside, written by someone else, being part of what makes it so great. His art was able to live on and reach a wider audience - the common person - that way. Higher resolutions of Sunny's instant digital webcam photos aren't possible due to the limitations of the technology at the time they were created, so they are best viewed on screens and handheld devices, as they were originally intended, making NFTs perfect for their preservation and continued provenance.

For more information on Sunny, please visit her website.

Camwhore collection image

Hi, I'm Sunny! I became a camgirl on StileProjectDotCom's Portal 9, arguably the internet's 1st public webcam portal, 3 days after 9/11. Stile, webmaster of the site, king of the E/N scene & final word on who got to be on his portal, thought that since the world was so angry & sad at that moment & his forums were going crazy, that a new forum moderator & camgirl from Canada might cheer folks up. When I started, there was no audio or video, we uploaded pics instantly taken by our webcams every 30 seconds to the internet for large audiences to see. We communicated by the captions on our photos or by chatting on one community "tagboard" embedded on the site. The site eventually became & I cammed there until it closed in 2015. We had a huge supportive community of naked clowns & pervs & these are my cam pics from that time. There are ~18,000 pics in the archive total that could be made into NFTs, making the supply scarce & finite. Plz read the descriptions! Thanks! <3

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