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Created by Ryan Sault

The large dorsal and pectoral fins of the sandbar shark give it incredible agility. They will often approach you head-on, leaving it to the very last second to turn away passing their nose right across the front of your lens.

This behaviour is often seen when sharks are establishing a hierarchy. Think of it as a game of chicken. The most dominant or the most aggressive shark, staying true to their course whilst the other turns away. But the curious sharks may also just want a closer look at you and your camera.

Either way it leads to some close encounters with this beautiful specie. It also provides some great opportunities to capture portraits, if you are quick enough with the shutter release.

Ryan Sault - A diver, underwater photographer and adventure lover. He has travelled the globe photographing the most incredible and unique marine life and never leaves home without his camera.

🖼️ Edition 1 / 1

🏷️ Collection size: 17

📷 Collection name: Underwater Wildlife

Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual or physical galleries, documentaries, and essays by the NFT holder, as long as the creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

Underwater Wildlife collection image

The underwater world is filled with the most unique and incredible wildlife, tucked away beneath the waves, inaccessible to most.

Each species and individual animal has its own personality waiting to be captured.

The environment presents some unique challenges for an underwater photographer. Photo shoots are limited by the amount of air you carry, telephoto lenses are impractical leaving only wide-angle lenses usable.

As an underwater photographer I need to learn how a subject behaves, capture its attention and engage with it in order to draw them close. Staying calm in their presence is a necessity, only then will I have a chance of capturing an image. In this collection are some of my close special encounters which I would like to share with you.

About the Artist: Ryan Sault is a diver, underwater photographer and adventure lover. He has travelled the globe photographing the most incredible and unique marine life and never leaves home without his camera.

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37 檢視次數
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Created by Ryan Sault

The large dorsal and pectoral fins of the sandbar shark give it incredible agility. They will often approach you head-on, leaving it to the very last second to turn away passing their nose right across the front of your lens.

This behaviour is often seen when sharks are establishing a hierarchy. Think of it as a game of chicken. The most dominant or the most aggressive shark, staying true to their course whilst the other turns away. But the curious sharks may also just want a closer look at you and your camera.

Either way it leads to some close encounters with this beautiful specie. It also provides some great opportunities to capture portraits, if you are quick enough with the shutter release.

Ryan Sault - A diver, underwater photographer and adventure lover. He has travelled the globe photographing the most incredible and unique marine life and never leaves home without his camera.

🖼️ Edition 1 / 1

🏷️ Collection size: 17

📷 Collection name: Underwater Wildlife

Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual or physical galleries, documentaries, and essays by the NFT holder, as long as the creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

Underwater Wildlife collection image

The underwater world is filled with the most unique and incredible wildlife, tucked away beneath the waves, inaccessible to most.

Each species and individual animal has its own personality waiting to be captured.

The environment presents some unique challenges for an underwater photographer. Photo shoots are limited by the amount of air you carry, telephoto lenses are impractical leaving only wide-angle lenses usable.

As an underwater photographer I need to learn how a subject behaves, capture its attention and engage with it in order to draw them close. Staying calm in their presence is a necessity, only then will I have a chance of capturing an image. In this collection are some of my close special encounters which I would like to share with you.

About the Artist: Ryan Sault is a diver, underwater photographer and adventure lover. He has travelled the globe photographing the most incredible and unique marine life and never leaves home without his camera.

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