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This song has a special memory to me. "ineechih" is a Mongolian word meaning "just smile" in context. I wrote all the lyrics to it and asked 2 friends to feature the song with me. We met up when we were young, and decided that each person is a representation of one emotion. I represent the optimist, youngTG represents the pessimist, and Speedy represents neutrality. The chorus says: "Forget everything today, tomorrow you will wake up with optimism, if you smile right now, your lips and mouth will open up positively". We gathered one day, and did a pre-recording session on my laptop with my microphone onto an audio recording software. Back then we did not have the money to record at a professional studio, and there were only a few places. And I used to do all the master and mixing myself. After we heard the first recording on my laptop, we decided to go record it in the studio, because at the time we thought that the FM radio will be interested. Today, I still have contact with the people, and to this day we laugh about it, because after we had made the song, we argued on whether to turn it into a music video. Which was ironic in a sense, because we just created the song smile, but we were not smiling in that instance :)

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My name is Buuvei. I started making music since 2004, not a lot of people know about this. I used to host underground battles on a forum called Asuult where I was a judge, and a moderator. It was the only way for me to let go of my emotions and turn them into words. I have never went mainstream, shared in a close circle and stayed underground (though one video exists of me, my friend made it for me because I had no money). Until recently, many people encouraged me to put my music up to the NFT space, and it goes along with my philosophy because I made them to leave a legacy, and I hope it remains in the blockchain forever to live on. I will not care if not many people listen to it, but a few who can get a feel for my vibe and keep it. The language is Mongolian, it is my mother tongue, and I will do my best to leave a quick translation of the message I intended to send out. Music has always encouraged me, and many others who collaborated with me on art. I hope it does the same for you.

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iNeechih (Smile) feat. Speedy & YoungTG

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iNeechih (Smile) feat. Speedy & YoungTG

174 檢視次數
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This song has a special memory to me. "ineechih" is a Mongolian word meaning "just smile" in context. I wrote all the lyrics to it and asked 2 friends to feature the song with me. We met up when we were young, and decided that each person is a representation of one emotion. I represent the optimist, youngTG represents the pessimist, and Speedy represents neutrality. The chorus says: "Forget everything today, tomorrow you will wake up with optimism, if you smile right now, your lips and mouth will open up positively". We gathered one day, and did a pre-recording session on my laptop with my microphone onto an audio recording software. Back then we did not have the money to record at a professional studio, and there were only a few places. And I used to do all the master and mixing myself. After we heard the first recording on my laptop, we decided to go record it in the studio, because at the time we thought that the FM radio will be interested. Today, I still have contact with the people, and to this day we laugh about it, because after we had made the song, we argued on whether to turn it into a music video. Which was ironic in a sense, because we just created the song smile, but we were not smiling in that instance :)

Mongolian Artist collection image

My name is Buuvei. I started making music since 2004, not a lot of people know about this. I used to host underground battles on a forum called Asuult where I was a judge, and a moderator. It was the only way for me to let go of my emotions and turn them into words. I have never went mainstream, shared in a close circle and stayed underground (though one video exists of me, my friend made it for me because I had no money). Until recently, many people encouraged me to put my music up to the NFT space, and it goes along with my philosophy because I made them to leave a legacy, and I hope it remains in the blockchain forever to live on. I will not care if not many people listen to it, but a few who can get a feel for my vibe and keep it. The language is Mongolian, it is my mother tongue, and I will do my best to leave a quick translation of the message I intended to send out. Music has always encouraged me, and many others who collaborated with me on art. I hope it does the same for you.

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