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The eastern parts of Turkey are quite mountainous and the winters in this region are quite harsh. In the villages of this region, which is covered with snow for months, sometimes it is not possible to use either cars or horses to carry loads. At times like this, sleds work great. However, pulling a sled is also very tiring work for the villagers. Despite all the hardships of life, children can always find some fun, even if sometimes that means a heavier load for their father.

I took this photo in the winter of 2019 in a village in eastern Turkey. A father carrying dry grass with a sled to feed his sheep in the barn, was carrying his son on the dry grass, thereby allowing him to have fun too. I greatly appreciated this father, who carried a heavy burden to entertain his son even in these difficult conditions.

Even though I was born and raised in such a village, I had never been in my village during the winter months for many years. After a long time, in 2019 i visited this region in winter time. When I came across this scene, my childhood memories came back to life in my mind. When I was a child, one of the other entertainments of the children in the village besides the sled , was to listen to the endless tales told by the elders all night long. In these places where there was no television or any technological devices, these tales were the only source of entertainment for the long winter nights. I believe that photographs act as a trigger for all our memories to be revived and lived in our minds. When I look at this photo, I think of all the winter fairy tales that I had listened to when i was a child.

Edition : 50/50

Collection: Editions by Serhat Karasungur

Title : Winter Tales

Artist : Serhat Karasungur

Location : Bingöl - Turkey

License : Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

Editions by Serhat Karasungur collection image

Editions by Serhat Karasungur is a collection which consists of editions of Serhat Karasungur's favorite photos.

Serhat Karasungur is a multidisciplinary, full time photographer based in Turkey. He like to be part of nature and to eternalize those moments. His photographs reflect the relationship between nature and human.

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Winter Tales

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878 檢視次數
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Winter Tales

50 物品
878 檢視次數
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The eastern parts of Turkey are quite mountainous and the winters in this region are quite harsh. In the villages of this region, which is covered with snow for months, sometimes it is not possible to use either cars or horses to carry loads. At times like this, sleds work great. However, pulling a sled is also very tiring work for the villagers. Despite all the hardships of life, children can always find some fun, even if sometimes that means a heavier load for their father.

I took this photo in the winter of 2019 in a village in eastern Turkey. A father carrying dry grass with a sled to feed his sheep in the barn, was carrying his son on the dry grass, thereby allowing him to have fun too. I greatly appreciated this father, who carried a heavy burden to entertain his son even in these difficult conditions.

Even though I was born and raised in such a village, I had never been in my village during the winter months for many years. After a long time, in 2019 i visited this region in winter time. When I came across this scene, my childhood memories came back to life in my mind. When I was a child, one of the other entertainments of the children in the village besides the sled , was to listen to the endless tales told by the elders all night long. In these places where there was no television or any technological devices, these tales were the only source of entertainment for the long winter nights. I believe that photographs act as a trigger for all our memories to be revived and lived in our minds. When I look at this photo, I think of all the winter fairy tales that I had listened to when i was a child.

Edition : 50/50

Collection: Editions by Serhat Karasungur

Title : Winter Tales

Artist : Serhat Karasungur

Location : Bingöl - Turkey

License : Primary NFT holder is free to use in advertising, display privately and in groups, including virtual galleries, documentaries and essays by holder of the NFT, as long as creator is credited. Provides no rights to create commercial merchandise, commercial distribution, or derivative works. Copyright remains with creator.

Editions by Serhat Karasungur collection image

Editions by Serhat Karasungur is a collection which consists of editions of Serhat Karasungur's favorite photos.

Serhat Karasungur is a multidisciplinary, full time photographer based in Turkey. He like to be part of nature and to eternalize those moments. His photographs reflect the relationship between nature and human.

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