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Created to be the meeting point for the best NFT-traders and experts creating value and filled with courses, premium channels and major opportunities for Whitelists and connections.

As soon as you buy your WorldOfTrees-NFT you will be able to unlock the premium channels in this discord, which are exclusively for our holders. We call this section in our discord "WorldOfTrees-Premium"

Furthermore you will be eligable to get a copy of our NFT-trading Ebook, which will come out in May.

Having access to WorldOfTrees-Premium will feel like you joined a family. A community of like-minded individuals willing to connect, learn and teach each other.

Also, we plant 10 trees per NFT that is purchased from the official WorldOfTrees OpenSea account.

Allow yourself to be a student one more time and reap the benefits of this crazy network we call home.

Jan 2022
  • Ground: Light grass