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Timeless Country

The important strategic position of Afghanistan is the main reason for the 40 years of invasion. For countries that aim to rule world politics, the geopolitical position of Afghanistan is more important than the daily life of children, the rich cultural background, and the honorable history of this country.

Look of pain is dominant on the streets of Afghanistan. People seem to accept the insolubility and desperation of the situation… In Afghanistan, it is possible to encounter several anachronic scenes that resemble a stage of middle age… Slices of daily life that carry the effects of wartime, traditional animal fights, and Afghan games that have dense heroic figures somewhat color the life. The most important one among games is Buzkashi which attracts the great attention of the public. Buzkashi, which was used to play by nomad warriors, is a traditional game showing the warrior side of Afghan men due to tough struggles in the play.

Oct 2021