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The Unknown - by Neil Burnell

I wondered alone at the crisp first hour of dawn, the thick fog descended, an eerie yet deafening silence, not a sound. The trees envelop me as they loom above, were they alive?

"The Unknown" is a collection of atmospheric woodland images photographed in England. Each photograph meticulously planned over a number of trips, often taking months or even years before the final image is made. The ongoing series delves deep into the woodlands of Dartmoor and forests of the UK, each image capturing an atmospheric moment in time.

I’ve got to know these woodland's better and better the more I’ve visited. Exploring every corner of each woodland and venturing to areas that are harder to reach, where only a few have explored. Slowly adapting my shooting and processing style to a stage where I’m now happy to release this collection on my own smart contract.

May 2022
  • Lens: Nikkor z 70-200mm f/2.8 vr s