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The Soul of Man Under Late Capitalism

An ongoing series of experiments with generative code art combined with occasional photomanipulation, collage and subtle and not-too-subtle political references. A homage to some of my early influences - The "grunge design/Swiss grit" aesthetics of the 1990s who pioneered a new, minimal, deconstructed, form of art and communication at the beginning of the 21th century as well as the Constructivists and Suprematists; Bauhaus, etc. who did the same in aid of new ways of living, working and organising society. I've given these influences a modern, glitchy and digital twist while still attempting to stay true (kind of) to the original aesthetic. I aim to keep that aesthetic and hope of a new life alive, however futile that may be.

A love letter to the idea of utopia and to a future we could but won't have.

Created with Processing, Adobe Photoshop and Filter Forge.

Apr 2021