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The end of the Sky

My photographs are made with feelings, with dreams and with memories, which are not the landscape itself but what I feel in it. And in this creative process, although the main ingredient is, logically, the landscape, the character is definitely the work of the wind that at the moment of shooting the photograph hits my face, of the vertigo that in each turn of my plane seems to leave behind the soul, of the very state of exaltation that produces me as a conscious reader of what the grammar of the landscape proposes, of the concatenated sensation of exploration, search and discovery that each camera shot causes and finally of the momentary obfuscation produced by the risk, always present, of being traveling in an aerial environment, dangerous and challenging. Those are the spices that flavor my images. Something like this can only be experienced up there, hanging from the air, with your body leaning over the landscape and the camera in your hand, dancing with the wind, like in a dream.

Nov 2021