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Sun Blocks - Special Edition

Each piece of this collection was initially representing a mint pass for the Sun Blocks Genesis Collection : a 555 items collection available released and sold out on October 5th 2021. The Genesis Collection is available here :

This collection will migrate by the end of 2021, and holding one of these specials will be serving as a booster for the Sun Blocks tokens distribution, available late Novembre 2021.

Sun Blocks are the fruit of Human / Machine collaboration. 
2800 photos, taken over the last fifteen years, all over the world (Europe, Middle East, America, Asia), have been used to train a machine learning algorithm to produce this unbelievable landscape. 
Sun Blocks are the result of many years of sunsets and sunrise hunting. 
it is that peaceful moment… between night and day... between light, and darkness… between life and death…
It is the beginning and the end of everything

May 2021
  • Sun vibe: Sunruption