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Signed NFTs

Each of the NFT's within this collection were signed by the artist or person indicated, and each underlying NFT was owned by Kevin DeAngelis at both the time it was signed, as well as at the time of being minted. All signatures are "1/1" digital signatures which were captured by hand.

NFT's minted to this collection DO NOT have any utility tied to any corresponding artist, person or project shown, and all NFTs in this collection are wholly unrelated to the original art or project of which the digital signature was recorded on.

All NFT's in this Collection were minted to the Ethereum blockchain using a custom smart contract through Manifold Studio, and ownership over any digitally autographed NFT in this collection DOES NOT grant ownership of nor entitlement to any of the corresponding NFT tokens which underlies the digital signature

May 2022
  • Associated nft: Aleqth as vampire self potrait