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Salt Water

”Salt Water” showcases beautifully chaotic moments frozen in time. From a young age I have been fascinated with the inside of a breaking wave in the ocean. This collection features imagery from around the world alongside my home in the raw and rugged south west region of Western Australia, home to some of the craziest waves on the planet.

As an Internationally awarded photographer and former world number 1 ranked professional athlete in the sport of bodyboarding, I combine a lifetime of exploration and adventure in the ocean, 12 years of photography experience and a creative process acquired whilst completing a Bachelor of Architecture degree. With a desire to explore and provoke myself to step outside of my comfort zone I am always seeking challenging experiences to grow and learn.

This is my life's work, and the first release of a series of 15 which will encapsulate my journey in photography. By purchasing my art, you join this journey with me.

Thankyou, and Welcome.

Oct 2021