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The I hungers to be seen through the eyes of the Other. These are the faces I wore on nights when I crossed through the portal and looked back at this world.

OtherFaces is a collection of 111 photographs. They are generative artworks created by combining the biochemical algorithm of my body with the Other. The training data for these images is trance, sweat, fatigue, dimethyltryptamine, communal connection, sex, music & fashion.

Since 2015, I have been creating and collecting hundreds of faces made of make-up, skin and cloth. Each OtherFace NFT is an artefact of an experience where I became the Other – in performances, rituals, & raves. I transform myself in order to create transformative experiences. This project is an approach at translating what I do in the energetic/quantum realm into the realm of blockchain.

The properties of each token represent the ingredients that fuelled the experience.

Nov 2021
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