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Minty Doge

Minty Doge is 1000 recombinant 1/1 NFTs on the Polygon blockchain! Many uniques and rares to be had.

Minty Doge will be dropping 50 listings a week, every Friday!

Once all Generation 1 Minty Doges are minted, work on Generation 2 will begin. Generation 2 Minty Doges will be a collection of highly rendered and intricately detailed Minty Doges, the first 1000 being 1:1 facsimiles of Generation 1.

ALL holders of a Generation 1 Minty Doge when Generation 2 drops will either receive their Generation 2 Minty Doge for free if the project is minted on Polygon, or be able to mint for the price of gas if the project ends up migrating to Ethereum!

Ownership of a Minty Doge confers all display copyrights to the whole artwork contained within that listing. You may share, broadcast and display as you please, until you sell on your NFT, where those rights transfer to the new owner.

Discord, Twitter and Instagram links are above.

Oct 2021