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Meta Ape Society

Hailing from the Meta Ape Kingdom, 10000 Apes will roam freely on the Ethereum BlockChain. We are ape chefs, ape doctors, ape engineers, ape astronauts . . . we are whoever we want to be. Bored? Not these Meta Apes! We are an energetic, optimistic, and multifaceted younger generation who will uplift all of ape-kind.

We are diverse in the cultures and backgrounds that we represent. You, human, will find that you might share a surprising number of our characteristics. Looking beyond superficial details like the clothing we wear and the accessories we have, you might realize that, on a deeper level, our Apenity is simply a reflection of your Humanity.

We have many stories to share, journeys to walk, and bananas to eat. Of course, our finances won’t be maintained by only the bananas we trade amongst ourselves - we need your support to keep us going!

Jun 2022
  • 7 earring: Nose ring