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A year ago Sartoshi’s MFERs pushed a button deep in the back of my brain. The CCO vision of mutually respective individualism and creative freedom. The community of builders willing to imagine. The connective fabric it spoke of; that deep down we’re all imperfect MFERs. And all that from some stick figures. LOVE it. Some red-pill shit. I was drawn to Sartoshi’s MFER universe, and inspired to riff.

1 MFER = 1 MFER. These are totally unique hand drawn 1/1 CCO MFERs that I hope you are as excited to own as I was excited to draw. I plan to do 4 seasons of 69 MALCO-` MFERs. Each one is built on love and respect for all you crazy MFERs.

Many thanks to Sartoshi for creating the original MFERS, and for his advice and support in realising this collection.

And a huge shout out to the creative studio where I work, Tonic DNA, who are partnering with me on this project and sponsoring the launch. This would not have been possible without them.

Aug 2023
  • Artist: Malco-'mfers