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Lucky Baianas

Do you already know the “Lucky Baianas” collection? They will bring you much luck and happiness. Believe it!

There are 3 baianas, one with white skin, one brunette and the other black, representing the miscegenation of races of the Brazilian and Bahian people. The typical Bahian costume is a fusion of Portuguese, African and Islamic culture. In the State of Bahia, in Brazil, there are many beliefs and one of them is the Figa amulet, which serves to ward off negative forces and bring us luck, as well as our beautiful baianas with backgrounds of different colors, as well as their clothes. Choose your color and lucky baiana, they all bring with them a figa.

You can use it however you want, as an avatar, make pictures, send to friends, in short, any way you want. There are a total of 30 Bahians.

The final file of each piece is 5000 x 5000 pixels at 300dpi. Created by Digital Artist Marco Mancen. Creation in 2022.

Apr 2022
  • Background: Ocher yellow