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Hidden Behind V2

Albert Einstein once said, "We cannot solve problems with the kind of thinking we employed when we came up with them.” This is, for the most part, unrelated to this project, but I think it makes for a good intro. This blueprint is largely inspired by René Magritte's work titled "The Son of Man" which explores the things we can see and those we can not see, “the visible that is hidden and the visible that is present”. I couldn't stop thinking about René Magritte's work and all that pondering is what gave birth to "Hidden Behind". We all have a part of us we hide behind something. Each item represents something we sometimes use, in different ways, to consciously or unconsciously try and alter people's perceptions of who we are. Our true self might not be visible, but it is always present and sometimes hidden behind something. Some people hide behind money, and others hide behind talent. But whatever it is, I can relate because I hide too.

GM GM, and Happy minting!

Dec 2022