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Find The Hare

Over a decade ago I started taking photos of myself in a rabbit mask as a form of self expression and the images in this collection are from the first series I shot. At the time, I was in a community college photography program. It was winter semester and I elected to take night classes. I wasn't excelling in the program and before our final project my professor educated me on the art of self-portrait photography and I was instantly enthralled. I took a series of photos of myself and showed him the work, he said it was nice, but nothing special. As we were reviewing the work I realized I could look like an animal if I were to add a mask so I went to the store and picked out a rabbit mask. I then reshot the series, turned them in for my final, and got an A+. That professor told me to NEVER stop taking photos of myself in a rabbit mask and I haven't. I've shown my work in countless events and galleries over the past decade and I am so thrilled to bring Find The Hare to NFT Collectors.

Oct 2021