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Creechers of Creetopia

The story starts in the year 2525 when the Interplanetary Agency (IPA ) has just discovered Creetopia, an amazingly healthy and pristine planet with similarities to Earth. Creetopia is a utopian planet where only love, beauty, and harmony exists. Read the story here: The Creechers that live on Creetopia are fun, happy and healthy beings. They have unanimously decided to allow Earthlings to become Creechers, to share their technology and donate funds to earth-saving organizations. Planet Creetopia lives on the Ethereum blockchain. When you own a Creecher or Creechatar, you’re helping our Planet Earth!. Remember, your Creecher is YOURS. You've got 100% commercial rights to it as long as it's in your wallet! Have fun!

Jul 2021
  • Gold: Background