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Changsters Collection by Daddy Chang


The Blockchain Revolution has been tough, while the Empire of Bulls & Bears continue to battle on, world of Blockchains’ galaxies of open seas filled with mutant whales & bankster sharks continue to assemble their massive fleets to colonize all seas of resources to bleed the people dry! The people have had enough, some have formed factions of revolutionary groups to stand up against the power, one of them been Chang Gang that rose from ashes of Decentraland, whom have begun to assemble groups of privateers led by Chang Gang front runners as captains to lead ships of Changsters ready to set sail into galaxies of Metaverses to hunt treasures to fund The Revolution! The Journey will be tough, each frontrunner captain will need as many Changsters in their fleets as possible! While man powers are limited on each fleet, ambassadors of Chang Gang Confederation have decided to build battle androids to aid Changster fleets on their great journey!

Aug 2021